Kinfolk 17

Tình trạng: Còn hàng | Loại sản phẩm: Tạp Chí
In KINFOLK VOLUME 17: THE FAMILY ISSUE, the contributors explore different meanings of the word 'family' and the people who make us who we are. They explore family roots in all sorts of forms, from culinary to genealogical and emotional. Stories w...

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Kinfolk Volume 17 : The Family Issue

In KINFOLK VOLUME 17: THE FAMILY ISSUE, the contributors explore different meanings of the word 'family' and the people who make us who we are. They explore family roots in all sorts of forms, from culinary to genealogical and emotional. Stories will seek to define the people we consider our kin, whether that means blood relatives or the folks we've adopted into our lives. The contributors will also look at how personal foundations are formed and how we can be conscious of our actions and the way they may influence someone else's future. They will break new ground and create something unexpected, veering away from the usual stories on the memories of our grandmothers' kitchens and avoiding the tired clichés of stereotyping the various types of 'contemporary families'. Instead, they seek to understand what family means in the here and now, not just what it looks like. They will undoubtedly find that interpretations of family can spread much further than the branches of the family tree.

  • Paperback: 160 pages
  • Publisher: Kinfolk (3 Sept. 2015)
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 21.6 x 1.5 x 27.9 cm

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