Top những cuốn sách đáng giá cho họa sĩ vẽ Storyboard

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Storyboard là một công đoạn không thể thiếu ở hầu hết quy trình thực hiện một bộ phim, video clip ca nhạc, hoạt hình ngắn, ...

Artbook House xin giới thiệu Top những cuốn sách dành cho họa sĩ vẽ Storyboard từ cơ bản cho đến chuyên sâu vào các lĩnh vực 

  1. Directing the Story

  2. Storyboarding Essentials: SCAD Creative Essentials

  3. Framed Ink: Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytellers

  4. Storyboard Design Course: Principles, Practice, and Techniques

  5. Framed Perspective Vo.1 & 2

  6. Vision Color and Composition

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The United States called on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on September 26 to discuss alleged human rights violations in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Washington’s request comes after a recent UN report that warned of possible crimes against humanity in the Chinese territory. The resolution brought forth by the US was also co-sponsored by the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway. The 47-member UNHRC will vote on the resolution this week, with Western countries apparently afraid that it might not pass. If it does, a debate on the issue will be scheduled for the council's next session in February. mega2226xhteoffdyiuyw6udqahbtepii7kwp6vn2y4cntm5llnnblqd.onion mega dm




The United States called on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on September 26 to discuss alleged human rights violations in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Washington’s request comes after a recent UN report that warned of possible crimes against humanity in the Chinese territory. The resolution brought forth by the US was also co-sponsored by the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway. The 47-member UNHRC will vote on the resolution this week, with Western countries apparently afraid that it might not pass. If it does, a debate on the issue will be scheduled for the council's next session in February. megamfknitd7mmb6rjoi65ciz23zkch547cbjggn54h5ebtputfo3nid.onion megadmeovbj6ahqw3reuqu5gbg4meixha2js2in3ukymwkwjqqib6tqd.onion




omgomg “If nations can pursue their imperial ambitions without consequences, then we put at risk everything this institution stands for,” Biden told the UN, adding that the US wishes to see the conflict in Ukraine to “end on just terms … that you cannot seize a nation’s territory by force.” While not overtly calling for Russia’s expulsion from the UN or the Security Council, Biden said its members should “consistently defend the Charter” and “refrain from the use of the veto except in rare, extraordinary situations.” Washington also wants to expand the number of UNSC members, both permanent and rotating, with “nations we have long supported,” he said. omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd




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omgomg onion Moscow’s envoy to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, had previously dismissed the claim as “another fake being circulated around.” The alleged weapons sale by Pyongyang mirrors similar allegations from US officials about an upcoming drone transfer from Iran to Russia. A little more than two weeks after National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Washington had clear evidence that Iran was preparing to deliver “several hundred” armed UAVs to Russia, Kirby again clarified that the US had “seen no indications of any sort of actual delivery and/or purchase of Iranian drones by the Russian Ministry of Defense.” Tehran initially denied any plans to share drone technology with Moscow, though the Pentagon has continued to claim the sales are taking place, alleging a “first shipment” of drones in late August. omgomg-marketplace




omg omg ссылка The American president also called on countries of the world not to limit exports or “hoard” food. About a dozen countries – e.g. India, Indonesia, Kuwait, and Turkey – have imposed export controls this year, in response to food shortages, which Biden blamed on Russia and Moscow – on Western sanctions. http omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd onion


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